Lisbon Blockchain Winter School 25

February 10th - 14th 2025

About the school

The Lisbon Blockchain Winter School (LxBWS) is a new initiative launched and funded by the BIG Era Chair Project. The school provides a set of lectures and practical sessions for their participants on the topic of Blockchain. The goal of this Winter School is to provide a comprehensive program with theoretical lectures, practical hands-on laboratory sessions, and poster sessions for PhD students that showcases the latest developments and applications of blockchain technology. We also intend to host collaboration and networking events between all the participants of the school

Important dates

Application deadline: November 23rd, 2024
Notification of Admission: November 30th, 2024
Early registration: December 10th - 20th, 2024 
Late registration: December 21st - 31st, 2024
Winter school: February 10th-14th, 2025

Where ?

The winter school will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal

When ?

The winter school will take place between February 10th and the 14th, 2025

For whom ?

Researchers, PhD students, IT professionals and Blockchain enthusiasts

What topics ?

The winter school will cover basic and intermediate topics of Blockchain and state-of-the-art keynotes from specialists


After an incredible week of learning, collaboration, and innovation, the Lisbon Blockchain Winter School has come to an end! 

Bringing together 50 participants from 17 nationalities, this event was a deep dive into blockchain, Web3, DeFi, security, and interoperability, with insights from 20 exceptional speakers.

Instructors and speakers

Seth Goldstein

Carnegie Mellon University

Main research areas:
Computer Architecture, Distributed Systems, and Programming Languages

Maryam Mehrnezhad

Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)

Emerging technologies, Usable security and privacy, Security standardisation

Alysson Bessani

Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Distributed Systems, Dependability, Fault Tolerance, and Security

Teresa Almeida

Umeå universitet

Digital Health and Wellbeing, Feminist Data Practices, Design Research and Critical Computing

Miguel Correia

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Blockchain and Byzantine Consensus, Cloud Security and Dependability, Software Security

Rafael Belchior

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Blockchain Interoperability, Privacy, and Security

Lucianna Kiffer

IMDEA Networks

Main research areas:
Peer-to-peer networks, security and privacy of blockchain systems, network measurements, game theory

Massimo Bartoletti

University of Cagliari

Main research areas:
Specification, analysis and Verification of Software

Christian Cachin

University of Bern

Main research areas:
Security in distributed systems, Cryptographic protocols, Consistency, Consensus, Blockchains, and Cloud-computing 

Paulo Cardoso do Amaral

Católica Lisbon - Business & Economics

Main research areas:
Blockchain, Information Systems, Operations and Data Science

Miguel Pardal

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Blockchain, Cyber-security, Distributed systems

Christof Torres

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Program analysis, software testing, blockchain security, web privacy

Tiago Dias


Founder & CEO of Unlockit, Co-Founder & Co-Owner of Realfever

Orlando Remédios


Transparency, Sensing, Farm-to-Fork

Nuno Barbosa

Anchorage Digital

Engineering Lead, Wealth and Asset Management Solutions

João Mota

Void Software

Business Development at VOID Software, Leader of the Blockchain.PT Consortium

André Augusto

IST, University of Lisbon

Distributed Systems, Blockchain, Blockchain Interoperability

Miguel Coimbra

INESC-ID/IST, University of Lisbon

Blockchain, Graph Processing, Distributed Systems



Luís Caires

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Programming Systems, Trustworthy Computing, Software Security

Alysson Bessani

Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Distributed Systems, Dependability, Fault Tolerance, and Security

Miguel Correia

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Blockchain and Byzantine Consensus, Cloud Security and Dependability, Software Security

David R. Matos

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Distributed systems, security, intrusion recovery

Rodrigo Rodrigues

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Consensus and Blockchains

Nuno Nunes

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, Sustainable HCI

André Vasconcelos

IST, University of Lisbon

Main research areas:
Enterprise Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Information System Evaluation, Information Systems

João Fumega


Senior Project Manager